(Photo Credit via mybergen.com)
Well thanksgiving break has officially come to an end. It was fun while it lasted. Having basically a week off of school was the greatest thing. It was such a good break let me tell you. I was able to relax and not worry about school work and trying to keep my grades up. I was able to actually spend time with my family. Having that break was just a relief for me. I mean nothing can beat five days out of school.
The only down fall about the break was it didn’t feel long. It felt like it only lasted like three days and that its. Now since we’re back in school my whole sleeping schedule is messed up. Staying up late on the break really messed up my sleeping schedule for school. I’m lucky enough to get at least four hours of sleep. Trying to keep my grades up before Christmas break is going to be a struggle, there is so much work that still needs to be done. It only been the 3rd day back and I have so much work to do.
Before we know it, it’s going to be Christmas break within two weeks. So there is only two weeks to get everything done on time. It seems so far away but it really isn’t. I’m pretty sure midterms are coming up so that’s always great and also some students have key stones this week. So it’s definitely going to be a busy couple of weeks before Christmas break. Soon it will come down to the last day before break and it will all be worth it. Christmas break really can’t come soon enough, we all need it.