(Photo Credit via tumblr.com)
Where has the time gone? It is finally December. I swear just yesterday it was like summer time. Time has flown by so fast it’s unbelievable. The weather though for December hasn’t been so great. I really want to wake up in the morning to a blanket of snow on the ground. I want the below zero temperature. I love waking up to delays and having cancellations for school. I wouldn’t even mind making the days up since the school will have air conditioning in May. So bring on all the low temperatures and snow.
My favorite part about it being December is decorating for Christmas. I love coming home to seeing all these decorations up. My mom hangs up lights, puts nutcrackers on the shelves, lights the Christmas candle’s and the best part of all is the tree. It’s definitely the greatest site seeing the tree because it makes you feel that Christmas is just around the corner. I also love this time of year because everyone is just happy. Everyone is in the happy Christmas spirit and it just positive vibes everywhere.
It’s only been two weeks of December and I already seen so many Christmas movies on TV. My all-time favorite Christmas movie is The Nightmare before Christmas. I’ve been so obsessed with that movie for years now. I got to say that the movie my family and I watch every year for Christmas is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, that’s definitely a family favorite. I also love baking Christmas goodies for the family to munch on. My family always brings out old home videos to watch. It just something for us as a family to bond and look back on what has happened and changed over the years.