School an Escape in Disguise

Savannah Saesan

More stories from Savannah Saesan

School an Escape in Disguise

I particularly do not like school, but like everyone else there is always one aspect I like about school. Some people it may be their friends they come for and, others love to play their sports at the end of the day. Many people come just to get rid of the stress or hard times at home. Whatever it is there is something small that everyone can like about school and, makes them come back day after day. Everyone is different so, we all have our different opinions and ideas. Although, every student can find enjoyment in coming to school, there is always a bad side to everything.

My favorite part about coming to school every day is to play my sports. I know the chances of playing after high school are not the highest so; I am prepared to make every year the best and find the good parts throughout all the bad. The friends I have are given to me through playing and the teams always have their fun moments. Whether your teammates know it or not in some way they have helped you become who you are today. Maybe that might be getting you out of your shell a little or making your time with them happy a team can always add to your life.

Everyone at some point on their life has had hard times at home. Whether it is a fight with your parents, siblings or your parents fighting each other, there is a hard part of your life. School may not be pleasant or in any way enjoyable but, for just awhile your way from that frustrating aspect of your life. You do not have to keep your ears open 24/7 getting ready to jump at a moment’s notice when one of your parents call for you. School in some ways gives students freedom and a release from some of the stress that they might have.

Some people come day after day just for one class. It might just be art that lets you paint, draw, or sculpt whatever you are feeling. Maybe it is music that helps the stress go away but, we all find freedom in different activities and school helps us let our inspiration and creativity run wild. School is an escape and maybe to some people their happiness.