What Music Means to Me

Jacob Van Divner

More stories from Jacob Van Divner


Music is different for everyone. The type of music people enjoy and the way it affects them differs heavily depending on the situation they’re in.

My taste in music is heavily influenced by my father. He has always been a “music guy” and can essentially name any song and who sings it and what album its from. This always interested me as a kid, and my love for music was born. While growing up I adopted many of my dad’s favorite bands like Kansas, Metallica, AC/DC, and The Rolling Stones. So growing up I was very found of the rock genre as a whole and i never really strayed from that path. Rock was all I listened to considering I was never a big fan of things like country or rap. When I was much older I adopted my friends views in music and switched to bands like The Killers, Nirvana, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and my favorite now Green Day.

For me music is very important. Its an escape from the world that’s needed sometimes. Even when it’s not being used as a way to avoid problems or think, music is just a fun past time. When I get stuck mowing my yard or doing some meaningless task I pop in some earbuds and rock out to my favorite songs. Like I mentioned before music can also be an escape when things get difficult. Music can take someone away from life for a little bit and just give them a break. Much like reading music is a way to go somewhere else. With music the sounds of the world are drowned out. As for myself if i’m feeling down or stressed I go to my room and put on some music to calm me down. While i’m listing all my worries go away and it’s just me and the sounds of the musician.

Music is a big part of my life, and I will also enjoy slowing down and taking in the sounds.