Cube Escape

Emily Palone

More stories from Emily Palone

Cube Escape

Cube Escape has 6+ games in the app store, all free downloads. I downloaded all of them on my phone and I’ve completed Cube Escape: The Lake. Rusty Lake is a place for memories to be accessed. All people who end up to the lake have usually committed suicide. Their bodies get cleansed from memories, which are collected.

As you play the puzzle game, you come across black cubes. Black Cubes are usually death energy collected. Its effects are negative and this kind of energy should never be released because it unleashes the Shadow Spirit, he shadow man who appears to all who join Rusty Lake. Black Cubes are known to be produced when committing suicide.

Rusty Lake is some kind of spirit world, where people who suicide go after they die. It’s pretty interesting to play if you want time to pass by. Also, it challenges your brain to figure out how to escape. The other Escape games are very intense like Rusty Lake such as Arles, Hotel, Birthday, Seasons (spring), Seasons (summer), Seasons (fall) and Seasons (winter).

If you’re into puzzle games or challenging your mind I would give Cube Escape a download. There may be some party where you need to use YouTube.