Don’t Wish for New

Savannah Saesan

More stories from Savannah Saesan

Dont Wish for New

Many people go through life wishing they could change their past, or at least a few memories. Some people wish to change their life completely, and to start over again.

Life is hard for people at least once in their life. Maybe it is an insignificant fact to some, but a memory someone else wants to forget. At one point, everyone questions why they are unable to just erase one memory. Then, that person could be happier. Every action and moment that happens in someone’s life creates who they are today. Maybe right now they are not happy, but later in life the storm clouds will go away and the sun will come out.

I have bad memories just like everyone does, yet I need those memories to make me who I am. I had a hard time comprehending the fact my great grandmother died. All I was left with was a snow globe that she kept in her room at the nursing home. That taught me, after a while, that life is short and I needed to start caring more about mine and people who are a part of it. Yes, people tell us that all the time, yet no matter how many times were told, there comes a day when we realize its reality.

People have memories whether they are bitter, tearful or blissful. That is what makes us who we are. Memories help us make decisions on who we trust, when to step away from someone and when to seek advice. Life is difficult, however people use their memories to navigate through. People rely on them to show us the way. If people get rid of their memories they will make different choices from what they would have made. People’s memories warn them and question actions, so they are not hurt again. People’s memories are their foundation to help them when the experience is something they have already gone through. In this, someone can make the best choice for them.

If I did not have my memories, I would not be the person I am today. Memories are precious, and no matter how much we would like to change them, it is impossible. So, look for the lesson and use your memories to navigate through life.