For some, public movie theaters are not the best way to experience a movie. They are loud, the seats are terrible, going to the restroom is a production itself, and there is always someone coughing or a baby crying. So what is the best way to experience a movie? The best way is to build a home theater set up. Although it may not be cheap, the experience is priceless. To help put together the best home theater, here are some recommendations for the best gear.
In a dedicated home theater, control over the ambient light is a must. Light can ruin the quality of the picture on the screen which really puts a damper on the experience. Also, the room needs to be large enough to accommodate the screen and large speakers. Lastly, do not be afraid to go nuts with the decor. A life-size Chewbacca cut out is cool.
To start off, a projector is needed. The best projector a consumer can buy is the Sony VPL-HW40ES for a small price tag of $2,500. It has best-in-class brightness, contrast ratio, color accuracy for excellent image quality. It is also quiet and can fit into most rooms.
Next up is the best home theater screen. That title belongs to the Silver Ticket 100″ screen. It has comparable performance to those costing 5 times as much, and it is easy to install and set up. Only paying $190 for a screen of this quality is a bargain.
Now for the most important piece of a home theater, the AV receiver. The AV receiver is the hardest -working component in a home theater. All the audio and video inputs are routed through the receiver and then processed and either passed up to the projector or down to the speakers. The best receiver in the market is the Denon AVR-S720W for $349.00. It offers every feature consumers will need in a home theater receiver.
A home theater needs two things to be the best, picture and audio. A great sounding home theater does not need the biggest or loudest speakers, just the best ones for the budget and room. For most budgets and room sizes, the ELAC Debut 5.1 system is the best. It delivers incredible performance for the price of $1,395.55.
Lastly, a home theater needs a projector mount. A good mount needs to be solid, but offer large range of tilt and pitch. The one that fits this description is the OmniMount PJT40. It is the ideal mount for a home theater.
These are the large components of a home theater, but keep in mind, there are many smaller pieces to the puzzle such as remotes and HDMI cables. Regardless of the movie, sitting in the comfort of a home can make the movie experience much better. It is just that consumers need deep pockets to do it.