My Opinion on Presidency

Dennis Garrett

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Some people may think it is important to have a president. In my opinion I think it is not really that big of a deal. Just as long as the person does what he/she is supposed to do, and they keep everything under control and makes good choices for the people of the United States.  I do not think it is a big deal to me because I do not really pay that much attention to it. I also do not have any interest in presidency. It is something that I do not really pay attention to because it do not really mean that much too me. If I were to watch a debate or something, I would not understand it because I have no idea what is going on in this world. I do not really have that big of an interest in presidents now a days because they are boring. So in my opinion I do not really care who the president is just as long as they keep things in line.  Make sure they make good decisions for this country. Also I do not really have that big of an interest in them because they do not really mean that much too me. So that is why I am not interested in the candidates running for president.