No More Breaks

(Photo Credit) Aubrey Holliday

More stories from Janessa Willis

No More Breaks

Coming back from spring break can always be a challenge. Having a short break from school and having to get back into the normal routine is never fun. As a senior, students are just counting down the days waiting until graduation. In the first half of the year students are able to look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas break but once coming back from spring break, the rest of there year is two months straight.

The last two months of the school year are always the most difficult. Students are just ready for the school year to be over. This time of year it’s starting to get warmer and students would rather be outside enjoying the weather than sitting in a classroom and learning. Most students feel as if they want to slack off and complete less work during the ending days of the year but they are still very important for your final grade for each class.

Students also dislike the end of the year because they have to prepare for their finals in each of their classes. Having to study and remember material that was taught the whole school year is time consuming and stressful. Students become stressed over finals because they are such an important part of their overall grade for the year. After spring break students only have a small amount of time left of the school year and goes faster than they think it will.