13 Reasons Why… Fans Hope For a Second Season

13 Reasons Why... Fans Hope For a Second Season


13 Reasons Why is a Netflix based television show that has recently taken the world by storm. The show revolves around teenager Hannah Baker’s (played by Katherine Langford) suicide and the cast of characters that either directly or indirectly influenced her decision to end her life. As the viewer, we watch from two different perspectives to understand how this tragedy occurred: Hannah Baker and Clay Jensen (played by Dylan Minnette).

Though we get a different viewpoint there are still multiple questions viewers are still mulling over.

Did Alex Really Kill Himself?

When we first meet Alex (played by Miles Heizer), he’s sitting alone in a coffee shop when he’s approached by new friends Hannah and Jessica (played by Alisha Boe). Throughout the season Alex seems to be spiraling downward into what could be seen as a depression, clearly depicted when he tossed himself into Bryce Walker’s (played by Justin Prentice) pool and sunk to the bottom. Some conspiracy theorists believe that because his father is a police officer, he has access to guns and they believe that he may have shot himself because the guilt he felt. Was it because his father eliminated his opportunity to tell the truth at the deposition meeting?

Did Tyer Shoot Alex?

Tyler Down (played by Devin Druid), who has also been bullied, has an entire arsenal of guns and bullets; he’s also shown hanging photos of students in his dark room when he removes Alex’s picture—because he decided not to kill him or because he already did? In a previous episode, and a flashback scene in this one we see that Alex stood up for Tyler when Montgomery (played by Timothy Granaderos) had him up against a set of lockers threatening him. Did Tyler remove Alex’s photo because he no longer wishes to inflict harm on him?

What is Tyler Planning?

By the end of the series, we see that Tyler, as mentioned above, has acquired a heavy duty arsenal. He also has photos of all the students who were mentioned in Hannah’s tapes in his dark room hanging up in a seriously spooky way. In addition to those mentioned on the tapes, (Justin, Jessica, Alex, Courtney, Marcus, Zach, Sheri, Bryce, Mr. Porter and even Clay) we also see that he has a photo of the infamous bully Montgomery is also present among the photos. Is he planning to avenge Hannah, he did say that he was in love with her? Maybe Tyler is planning his own revenge, everyone with a photo up bullied him in one way or another.

Nevertheless 13 Reasons Why is an important show that takes a painfully honest perspective on mental health and wellbeing. Truly one of the best Netflix shows released in 2017, but fans need answers.