Halloween Festivities

Tyler Woolen

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Halloween Festivities

The good times are endless with the Halloween festivities. There is not one thing that could be boring about it. The trick or treating, spook walks, and movies with friends would be enough although there is still a huge amount of fun things to do. Everyone knows Halloween is around the corner when spooky decorations start hitting the shelves, costume stores start to open, and the candy aisles are overflowing with the sweet treats and candy. Starting the day off, most people like to celebrate horror movies with friends, family, or even themselves.

Watching Halloween favorites is a good way to start off your Halloween festivities. There are a number of things to do when someone is on the trek for their sweet tooth. Walking around getting free chocolaty goodies and to laugh with your friends. It does not exactly matter if someone is “old enough” for trick or treating. Telling stories of the younger years when endless mountains of candy flowed from your candy bag.

Parents get excited when their children go out so they can get free candy also, without looking too old. Parents usually get really excited for this because they get to dress their kids up in cute outfits and walk around with them. It is a cute family thing to do but it is also sometimes scary; not knowing what others will dress like.

Carving pumpkins with friends and family is also a great festivity to celebrate. Mostly everyone will enjoy a nice night drawing and carving faces or pictures into pumpkins.