(Photo Credit via Wikimedia Commons)
Glossier is a cosmetic company that promotes natural beauty. Thye have a line of makeup and skin care products. The company started out as a beauty blog, but eventually grew into something more and they began creating and selling products. Their products are based around skin care, and are made to inhance natural beauty.
Most exfoliators are granualar and have small microbeads to help remove excess dirt and oils. Glossier is planing to release a liquid exfoliator that is said to reduce acne and wil be called Solution. While the company did not formally release the product, it was mentioned in an article by writer Manouska Jeantus.
According to Teen Vogue, Jeantus says that since using the product her skin is smooth and her breakouts are minimal to none. Solution can be applied with a cotton pad. The glycolic acid in the exfoliator works by eating away at the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. This method is said to produce more consistent results than an exfolator with microbeads.
Glossier has not said anything more about Solution, but fans of the cosmetics brand are excited for the release.