Know You’re Destination!

Lizzy Corbett

More stories from Lizzy Corbett

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While in Philadelphia take a ride on the bus to nowhere. The bus to nowhere only picks up people who have no specific destination and are full of hopelessness.

They say that the bus to nowhere has no ending and some people never leave. I personally don’t think this is possible as you would eventually notice you’re still on a bus years later. The whole conspiracy theory of this bus is quite confusing. The story line behind this bus is there is no set destination on the bus program and cannot be seen by anyone. The bus can only be seen by people in despair and are hopeless. I know for a fact I will never go to Philadelphia and be looking for this bus.

The bus may not have a exact destination but I do and staying on a bus for years is creepy. Another point of mine not quite believing this story is wouldn’t someone in your family notice that you’re missing. This whole story line is creepy and not completely believable, but I would still keep an eye out so I don’t get on the wrong bus and never lave a world that you enter and can’t leave