Schedule Yourself Around Success

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Scheduling for the 2023-2024 school year is coming soon. Aside from classes that are mandatory, students should join classes that they know will be a great help to them.

Let’s say a student is better at science than they are at math. This student has all of their needed science credits. They don’t have all their math credits but aren’t that good at the subject. There are always more than one option of the subject that can be taken. So if said student is in need of a math credit and the options are Algebra 2 and Geometry 1. If the student didn’t do well in say, algebra 1, then algebra 2 would not be a good option. If they know that geometry is the easier option for them, they should commit to that class.

The second part of this is picking classes that you will like. If you have all of your main classes already scheduled and all that is left is electives, choose an elective that you know will be interesting to you. For example, If you enjoy writing and creating stories, there is a class called Creative Writing. It is only a semester class but it will still be available for anyone grades 9-12. Let’s say that you can name every state in the U.S. and locate them on an unmarked map. Maybe World Geography is a good class for you. There is a part 1 and 2 for this class so in essence, this is a year class if you take both parts. Select this on your schedule so that you can take a class that you are good at and that will actually help you personally.

It’s all about making yourself better. With that in mind, pick the classes that you know will make you better in life. Schedule yourself the best way you can!