School Lunches

Dennis Garrett

More stories from Dennis Garrett


A change needs to be made for the food that we get served for school lunches. Not a lot of people enjoy the school lunches that we get now. And also they believe that we get served the same thing every week, and that it is not that good. Most of these students don’t like the lunches that we have now.

The issue is that there 98% of students that don’t like the school lunches. Mostly because we literally get the same thing every day and week. So the students are fed up with this, and want to put an end to having the same lunch. This is an issue because they particularly don’t like to eat the same thing every day. The students just don’t like the lunches to.

Some of the school lunches that we have are pretty decent. Like for example we have some pretty good macaroni, burritos, and volcano bowls. Those are by far the best thing that we have here. But what is the best lunch that we have at JM? Most students said that the pizza and chicken was pretty good.

There could be something that we could do to change the lunches. We could just have the students write down what their favorite food is. Then after that we could possibly start serving these lunches to the students. This would make the students possibly like the lunches more, and actually enjoy them. So this is something that we can do to make lunches better for the students.

Here at JM we have some school lunches that aren’t too bad. Like for example we have some pretty good Macaroni, Burritos, and Volcano bowls. Those are by far the best thing that we have here. But what is the best lunch that we have at JM? Most students said that the pizza and chicken was the best thing that we have.

99.1% of students took a survey and voted that they didn’t like the lunches that we have now. Mostly because they don’t like the fact that we have the same thing all the time. But they do enjoy the alternate food that we have for lunch, like the milk and pizza. So most of the students do not like the lunches.

There can be some solutions that we can do to help this issue. We can just go around the school and start asking what their favorite food or snack is. Then after we can possibly start serving the food that they like. We could also just stop serving the same thing every other day. But if the students get to do this lunches will be so much better.

The outcome of this would possibly be a success because students will not have to worry about eating the same thing. They won’t want to have anything else because they already have their choice of food. And also it’ll make the kids want to eat their lunches more by adding stuff to the school lunches.