A Farewell to Ms. Furnier

Michael Pochron

More stories from Michael Pochron

A Final Farewell
May 24, 2017

On Monday, May 8 at 7:30, students and teachers found out about that Ms. Donna Furnier had unfortunately lost her three year battle against cancer. The sound of this broke everyone’s hearts and the only sound to be heard was that of silence.

While her passing is tragic and heartbreaking, people should not be mourning her death but rather celebrating her life. Ms. Furnier considered all of the children in the district as “her children.” She also made it her goal to be at every single event, no matter what, despite fighting cancer all the while. For three years she fought valiantly against cancer, tooth and nail, for us.

“Ms. Furnier would always go up to parents and tell them something new about their children,” said band booster president, Lori Pochron. “She genuinely cared about every single person and wanted to make the world the best place it could possibly be.”

So in our sadness let us honor Ms. Furnier by taking the torch she passed onto us by being the best people we could possibly be. This will not only make the school better but the world better, person by person.