Is Daylight Saving Time Really That Great?

Luke Bates

More stories from Luke Bates

Some people consider Daylight Saving Time to be helpful and useful while others think differently. What people really want to know, is Daylight Saving Time really that great?

Daylight saving time does not have many good factors and it could even be considered useless. Daylight Saving Time once was used to give farmers an extra hour of daylight from years ago. Nowadays, there is more technology in which it aids people, so that they will be able to finish any of their work earlier, which makes Daylight Saving Time less useful than what it used to be.

Another reason why Daylight Saving Time is not that great is because of the need to suddenly change the clock back or forward the day of this event. This event could confuse some people, such as of they forget to change their clocks forward or back, or when the day ends earlier than usual.  If this were to happen, this could cause some people to be late to work, as they would be woken at the incorrect time. It would be much easier for everyone if they did not have to change the hour of their clock if there was no Daylight Saving Time. Some people may even find it to be an inconvenience to have to change their clock on Daylight Saving Time.

These different factors that are involved in Daylight Saving Time are considered to be useless, and that it was once thought to be ended.