The Challenge Program visited Jefferson-Morgan High School on September 17, 2015. The Challenge Program is a program that awards 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students with $200 for attendance, academic excellence, academic improvement, community service, and ranking number one of the subjects of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
Mary Dreliszak introduced The Challenge Program and this year’s sponsor Energy Corporation of America (ECA). ECA is a company that specializes in development, production, transportation, and marketing of natural gas and oil. ECA owns and operates 4,600 wells, 5,000 miles of pipeline and a million acres in North America. Representing ECA were Mike Ludrosky and Karl Cole.
Ludrosky and Cole put on a skit with help of seven Jefferson-Morgan students: Kayla Yorko, Janessa Willis, Emma Frank, Aaron Mylan, Jamie Lawrence, Zachary Shaffer and Taylor Walker. The skit demonstrated the importance of working as a team in the workplace as well as highlighted negative behavior by employees.
The Challenge Program will award five students per grade level. Seniors will be awarded at the annual spring awards banquet. Underclassman will receive awards next fall. Questions concerning Challenge Program should be directed to Ms. Fischer.