Blue Apron for Blue Collars

Savannah Saesan

More stories from Savannah Saesan


Many people have now converted to getting meals sent to their home. One of the well known companies in the business is Blue Apron. In this day and age people are always busy. Some people are working long hours and taking care of their kids, and others are running all over the place to do their jobs. Blue Apron sends meals premeasured and sorted out, so when it is time to cook there is no hassle.

Blue Apron focuses on getting fresh and healthy meals to each customer. “At the grocery store, it can be hard to tell whether food is high quality and sustainably grown. We are partnering with the foremost sustainability experts to create better standards for growing food and raising animals. This means better outcomes for our environment, guaranteed markets for our farmers and higher quality ingredients for our home chefs,” according to the Blue Apron website.

Stephanie Barlow tried Blue Apron, due to a great review from one of her friends. She enjoyed that each meal was very proportioned, and saved her some trips to the store. “Overall, Blue Apron impressed me with its organized packaging, clear recipes, and menus. While I won’t be using it as a weekly meal service, I enjoy checking out what’s on the menu, browsing the recipes, and periodically ordering,” Barlow commented.

Mrs. Moore, a regular customer of food delivery, likes Blue Apron. “I enjoy Blue Apron very much. It is fairly inexpensive, portioned, and quite delicious. The only issue I have is that if you wanted to recreate some of the dishes on your own, the ingredients would be difficult to find. My favorite dish was Korean pork, yet the spices were international and would not be able to be found in local grocery store.”

Even if people have not tried Blue Apron, they think that food delivery is a blossoming idea. “For the average American that works 9 to 5 and does not have time to cook, delivered meals seem to be a simpler option. Many people do not have time to learn to cook, get ingredients and make the meals. Therefore, it makes life way simpler. Although, it could potentially knock jobs out of the food industry, but Blue Apron could also make American lives healthier and better all around,” Michael Pochron said.