(Photo Credit googleimages.com)
Fall time is the time of year where the leaves change color, students attend football and volleyball games, and Halloween is just around the corner. During the fall time, the leaves all go from green to a nice yellow, orange, and red color. Teens can go outside and enjoy the lovely colors and have nice fall pictures. Personally, when driving down the highway, looking out the car window and seeing the different colored leaves is a calming and nice sight. Fall is also the time for football and volleyball games.
Going to football games on Friday nights is fun for most teens at Jefferson-Morgan. It does get cold outside during the fall, but some teens find it enjoyable. To beat out the cold they wear appropriate clothing, and get hot chocolate or coffee from the cession stand. This year’s football team’s record is 4-2 so far. High school volleyball also takes place during the fall. Some students at Jefferson-Morgan love to attend the games and go all out for it. By that, they tend to go crazy with the theme of the game. The themes for this year’s volleyball games have been superhero day, pink out, USA, blackout, and beach day. The volleyball has a standing record of 9-1 so far.
Another thing that some teens tend to love about fall is Halloween. No matter how old or young they are, students always get excited about it. Carving pumpkins, trick or treating, and watching Halloween movies are all things that teens love to do during Halloween time. Carving pumpkins is a fun tradition. Trick or treating can be fun for kids of all ages. No matter if students are 6 or 16, dressing up and getting free candy is something that they enjoy. Another thing that some students off all ages love to do during Halloween time is watching Halloween movies. There are so many different movies on during this time such as Nightmare before Christmas, Beetle juice, and Hocus Pocus. ABC Family has 13 day before Halloween, where they show all kinds of different Halloween movies.
Fall is full of many different things for students off all ages to do and enjoy. Games, Halloween, movies, and carving pumpkins are just some of those things that students can enjoy.