A Tear-filled Goodbye But A Bright Future

On Friday, October 25th the Jefferson-Morgan Rockets played their last game of the season against the Bentworth Bearcats. It was a tough game and both teams played as hard as they could, but in the end, the rockets sealed the victory with a late touchdown from Jonathon Wolfe. Wolfe was the star of the night racking up an impressive 278 rushing yards and running for 4 TDs. He is the first running back to have 1000 yards on the season since 2012, being a Junior, the team is excited to have him back next year.
Sadly though, the Rockets will be saying goodbye to a coach. Coach Robinson has announced his retirement from coaching to spend more time with his family. He had this to say about leaving,”First of all, this was not an easy decision to make at all. I have either played football or coached since I was in second grade! The main reason I decided to retire from coaching was because of my son Kyler. With my responsibilities as the principal and as a coach, many weeks I only got to see my son once a week which was very difficult. It’s time to start training him as a lineman! I also decided that if I couldn’t fully commit to the players/coaches on the team by being there all summer, and being on time for practice every day, that the players deserved better. Someone that could fully commit to coaching and be there for the player’s full time. I never do anything I can’t fully commit to and felt like I was letting the team down.”
He delivered a heartfelt speech to the team after the game. I asked what would he miss the most, and he responded with the following, “This is a tough question because I could go on forever with what I will miss about the greatest job in the world being a coach. I will miss being called coach the most. I hope that everyone on the team will still call me coach secretly. Being called Coach is the best honor in the world in my opinion. I will also miss being a part of the team. I love working with the coaching staff and love seeing the players on the team every day and watching them grow. I will miss the Friday Night Lights and trying to make an impact on the offensive and defensive line each week. But I will definitely miss coaching the players the most. I am not an emotional person, but after that last game Friday night, I cried like a baby all night, even on my ride home! I bleed orange and black! and will miss everyone on the team.”
Even Though he will be gone next year he still hopes he can make an impact on the team, “So much to say for my lineman. Big expectations for our offensive and defensive line next year to lead the way. Being a lineman is so important. We are the first to blame when things go wrong, and the last to fame when things go right. Stick together because at the end of the day, we are the……. O Line! The Forgotten Five!”. We will miss you coach. The new guys will have missed out not having you there but you always have a place if you ever want to comeback.

Brandon Lawrence is a senior and a third-year journalism student.
Lawrence is the JM band announcer and participates in the drama club.