(Photo Credit via Stacie Kniha)
All throughout the month of October, JM student council members and sponsor Ms. Kniha advertised their Halloween costume contest. The contest itself was hosted on October 30, 2023 during the school day. Student council charged a $5 fee to participate.
“I enjoyed making everyone laugh at our reference. The Hangover is such a good idea for a group costume, and I enjoyed getting to show the school our creativity.” Kierstyn Webster said after being asked what she enjoyed most about the contest.
There were three categories within the costume, and each one was awarded by Ms. Kniha. The categories were funniest costume, most unique costume, and best duo costume. Christopher Vuono won for the funniest, Zoey Cramer for the most unique, and Kierstyn Webster, Skylar Nopwasky, and Maddy Jones for the best duo.
“I didn’t like the fact that last year I dressed up in a great costume only to be met with laughs, and then this year it was acceptable to.” Christopher Palone said when asked what lacked appeal for the contest.
The money didn’t go to the student council; in fact, it was for a great cause! All proceeds went to the Domestic Violence Shelter. Unfortunately, they were only able to raise a total of $40. Anything helps though, and student council members were ecstatic to be able to earn money for the shelter.