The Juniors: Looking Forward

Maci Marion

More stories from Maci Marion

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The National College fair for 2022 was on March 17th at David L. Lawerence Convention Center Hall.

“The college fair really let me see what other colleges were out there that would be good for me,” said Chesney Hixenbaugh.

A few selected Juniors attended the National College fair to have a talk with people from multiple different colleges. The colleges that attended were from Pennsylvania, but many of them were out of state colleges. The college fair allowed students to extend their look on what colleges they would want to go to.

Students were able to have their freedom and go around the convention hall to go and talk to whatever college they felt they would want to go to.

The college fair was a very useful visit for Jefferson Morgan because students were able to see that their are other schools out their other than the ones that are close to home. Also it was helpful for the students that to want to go father from home because most college fairs just have the schools from Pennsylvania.