Michael Kappel
(Photo Credit via Flickr)
Just like all holidays, families have their fair share of traditions for Christmas.
One of the running traditions within my house is the elf on the shelf. I remember the first time the elf came to my house. I was always so excited to search for her in the mornings after waking up. I know now that it was all fake, but I still cherish the memories it gave me. I even remember panicking one time because I touched her, so I made my dad give her cinnamon since it was supposed to restore their powers. Despite me being grown and aware, I have somehow passed the tradition down for my little sister. I did it one year, and then she was obsessed with the idea. The past week or so, she was constantly questioning us when the elf would be coming.
Finally, our elf has arrived, who my sister named Bella. Every morning she searches just like I did when I was young, and I know that although it may be annoying to move the elf every morning before she wakes up, she gets to experience the joy of this little Christmas tradition.