Emma Frank is a senior and a member of the track team.
Frank participates in the event shot put for the track team. This is her first year trying out the event. She has been on the track team for four years.
Pumping herself up before she starts her event is something Frank tends to do. “Alright Emma! Trow this shot put super far! You can do it! You got this! You go girl! Woo!” is what Frank said is what goes through her mind before throwing shot put.
One of her favorite things about about her event is practice. It is fun for her to practice throwing shot put and helps her build muscle in her arms. Practicing her event over and over again is what helped her overcome difficulties with her event.
“I’d say go for it! It’s a great sport for making memories and having fun between events! It’s great!” said Frank when asked if she had any advice for students wanting to join the track team. She joined the track team because participating in her events helps her build muscle.
Frank has lettered once before and hopes to letter a second time this year. She looks forward to all the track meets.
One goal Frank has set for herself this season is to build up her strength and throw farther and farther as the year goes on. Good luck to Emma Frank and the rest of the track team this season!