Sydney Kovach is a senior and member of the track and field team.
Sydney participates in disc and shot put for the track team. This is Sydney’s forth year on the team and first year throwing both shot put and disc.
Preparing for track meets is something Kovach likes to do. “I listen to music all the way to the event and right before my events.” Kovach enjoys participating in track and field because, “it helps me stay in shape and keep from being lazy.”
Like many other people on the track team, Sydney Kovach is looking forward to a certain track meet. For Sydney, she cannot wait until the meet against California is here. She tends to always to better there which makes her extremely happy.
Having a go-to person on the team has always been something Sydney had. “My person is Brooke Weir. She is always there for me when I need it and I do the same for her.”
Being a senior means this is Kovach’s last year on the track team. It is a bittersweet moment, and Sydney claims that she will miss her team the most.
After high school Sydney Kovach plans on attending Waynesburg University and possibly participating on their track team.