Hannah Schuam is a freshman and a member of the volleyball team.
As a first year member of the high school volleyball team, Schuam enjoys working together as a team. When asked about a goal by the end of the season Schuam said “to become a better server,” Schuam plays middle hitter, her biggest struggle at this potion is approaching the net. She remains practicing and doing drills in order to improve her game.”
When asked if high school volleyball is different then middle school volleyball Schuam said “yes, high school volleyball pushes you more and your team isn’t just a team anymore, it’s your family.
Since she is a freshman Schuam feels that she has not mastered anything yet.
Schuam says “I feel like if I put my mind to it and put forth effort, I can accomplish any goal I have.”
Hannah says she feels like she will be an even better and more experienced player next year.
“I look forward to next years season so because I have grown and improved so much as a player, I also look forward to helping the freshman just like the older girls helped me,” said Schuam.
If Hannah could offer any advice to upcoming freshman she said, “Yes, work hard and it will pay off.”