It would be nice for the communities to give back once in a while. There are a lot of ways communities can give back like throwing a little get together for all of the neighbors. The neighbors can throw a BBQ party to have a good time to meet up with everyone and just to catch up with what has been going on. The community can throw a food drive to help out with those who can’t afford different things and just give back to those who are less fortunate. It would make the people feel a lot better after doing this food drive. The food drive would really bring the people together. Community service would be a really good idea to help clean out the areas and make them look a lot better. If the community here in Jefferson did community service it would look a lot better than it does now. It would show that the people that live here actually care on how it looks and wants it to be presentable for everyone who comes through Jefferson. Another thing the community does around here is the blood drive. Jefferson Morgan is really good with the blood drive. The students are really helpful, almost all the students participate. These are many ways that can be given back to the community.