Janessa Willis is senior and a member of the cheerleading squad.
“The thing I like most about cheerleading is cheering our team on at the Friday night football games,” said Janessa. “I like cheering at football games the most because it is outside at night and football is my favorite sport.”
Janessa started cheering in seventh grade. The thing Janessa loves most about cheer is the dances and cheering on her school in all the sports. Janessa’s favorite place to cheer at is on the home football field because she loves seeing everyone come out to support the football team.
“My favorite game I have cheered at has to be last years game against Carmichaels. We won and it was so much fun cheering the boys on to victory,” said Janessa.
Janessa’s goal for this season is to do her best because it is her last year and she wants to make lasting memories.