New Year New Start


Sandra Cunningham

School books with apple on desk

The new school year is a great time to start fresh. Everyone is excited because they get to see all of their friends and catch up with them. Juniors from the following year will now become seniors and it will be the start to their last year as a high school student. They are now to be thinking about their futures and their grades because they are very important.

A good thing to remember about coming back to school is that a head start is always a good idea. The start of the year is very easy and it takes a week or two to get in an everyday schedule. It took me a week or two to get the hang of things as a senior. Mrs. Huba’s class is a very important one and goofing off in her class is not accepted. Students have to be prepared to pay attention and get work done. If they do not Mrs. Huba will not be happy. You do not want to get on her bad side because she is someone who you will see every day.

Over the summer students are getting new clothes and bringing a new fashion to the school. Stores like American Eagle, Zoomiez, and Aeropostale are all very popular for teenagers that are school shopping. When students come back from break they all have new clothes and are looking good. It takes about two to three weeks before the sweat pants and hoodies come out.

The new school year is a good time for students to look back on last year and think of what they can improve. The new school year is full of new memories that is to come, in classes, sports, and just school in general.