Jessica Torres is a freshman and a member of the volleyball team.
As a four-year team member, Torres has made huge accomplishments on the volleyball team. She has worked hard on her position as an outside hitter. An outside hitter requires a good attitude, quickness, and strength to be able to strike the ball down onto the opposite opponent. Torres’s main goal for this volleyball season is to better herself with her platform to be able to bump the ball and work harder on her volleyball career.
“The best game this year was at California. I got the last two winning serves and hit the ball really well,” said Torres. “Even though I like the Mapletown games, I always look forward to the Carmichael games. I really want to beat them this year.”
Being a freshman and a third year team member of volleyball means she has just went through the transitioning through middle school and high school. It also means she could tell the up coming freshman and seventh-graders tips and ideas to help get them through the season when the time comes to be a volleyball member.
“Volleyball is a good sport but just remember it’s not everything, so don’t dwell on every mistake you make, learn from them and you will become better,” Torres said. “You will always struggle but just remember you are not alone and that you have a team that is there to support you along with the fans.”
Torres looks forward to playing with her team mates and the coaches. For anybody new joining the team, “Be prepared and have fun.”