Going Bananas for Bread

Maci Marion

More stories from Maci Marion

{Photo Credit Via Flickr.com}

{Photo Credit Via Flickr.com}

Banana bread is a bread that has bananas mixed into it. It is moist with a cake like texture. Banana bread can be made at anytime of the year although April is the most common for when banana bread searches, spike. Banana bread is also served at many places all around.

Banana bread was first around in the United States in 1870, but was first added to cook books in 1930. The reason it was not very popular in the United States was because baking powder was not on the market. After baking powder was added that is when banana bread spiked. Bananas themselves was also not really available in the United States so that was a set back to making banana bread. They first to make banana bread in the United States is argued by many but most believed that it was made by housewives experimenting with pear lash. Also during the Great Depression many housewives did not feel comfortable throwing away overripe bananas because they were very over priced at the time.

During the war banana bread recipes did not include a lot of ingredients to cut down the cost. Now the recipe can be found online with many ingredients including ripe bananas that are peeled, butter, baking soda, salt, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, and flour. Banana bread does not take long to make. The cooking time is about an hour and the prep time is about 10 minutes. Banana bread can also include other stuff inside such as nuts or chocolate chips.