Clear and Present Danger

Michael Pochron

More stories from Michael Pochron

A Final Farewell
May 24, 2017

In with constant growth of crime in the U.S. there seems to be little way to stop it, or is there? A new proposition brought up by the U.S. government proposes that they should allow access into smartphones to gain information on possible criminal or terrorist activities. In my personal opinion I believe this is an excellent plan to help combat all forms of crime. As long as this information is only used for official police activities and not for anything else.

There is a surprising amount of information on just one phone can hold. Apple should allow the government into their phones but only for the right reasons. The one problem I might see out of this is a huge public uproar caused by the previous catastrophe with the government and private information; the NSA in 2013 is a great example. This was an outright disaster with the NSA being allowed into large websites and databases such as Google and Yahoo.

However if handled properly I can see this being an amazing improvement for every U.S. citizen. Not only would this drastically reduce crime, it could also help prevent terrorism, cyber crimes, and other illegal actions. That is a pretty large “if”, also this could backfire extremely bad and probably cause another NSA incident. Which no company will probably never comply with the government and hand over private information.

The wording is also extremely important on trying to pass this law, for example it should be worded like “The government is allowed to access and use private information when in a moment of crisis or when a person is in clear or present danger.” An example of this is the E911 passed in 1998, it allows the government to use cell phone pings to track a persons phone. It is only legal to use in “emergency situations.”