Being welcomed back to school can be the most stressful time for a student. When a student returns back to school they don’t really want to be there or at least not yet. When you walk into the school you begin to wonder how much did your friends change or what will they think of you? You eventually get over that feeling, but it’s still stressful.
When heading back to school you have supplies for the year. Such as pencils, notebooks, whatever else you may need and instant coffee. You may not need coffee but for others they have gotten to the point that they can’t function at school without a cup. The other supplies can help for the school year also.
People Have become more accustomed to the people at their schools, but still coming into school the first day back is extremely stressful. You have no clue if there are any new students or you don’t recognize anyone, or if anyone had left. Coming back to school is even more stressful if you are a new student. You don’t know anyone yet you are beginning to wonder what they will think of you.
Back to school is just another year full of stress and learning, students sometimes struggle with the first day and after that you just kinda ease up. Then after the first day you begin to start learning and get ready for anything your teacher throws at you. When coming back to school it can be the most stressful part of the school year for some students.