Terraforming Mars could lead to good or bad things.
It would take lots of time to Terraform Mars into something that looks like earth today. How would we be able to take care of Mars if we can’t even take care of the Earth today? “We can’t even take care of this planet where we live, and we’re perfectly suited for it, let alone another planet.”-Bill Nye said on USA Today. Which is completely true. We really can’t take care of this planet. So how would we be able to take care of Mars?
But what would life be like if we were able to Terraform Mars? Some people say we will not be able to live on the planet due to it being hard to adapt to something we’re not even used to. And what would happen if there were actual living things on this planet? Would we just kick them off and ruin something they once had? But what if there isn’t anything in the living on the planet?
How long would it even take us to live on the planet? “Can we understand climate and ecosystems well enough to build them elsewhere?”-Edwin Kite says. On Mars, we would be breathing Carbon Dioxide instead of the oxygen we breathe in today. And breathing that stuff in could lead to a whole lot of problems. So why don’t we just stick to what we’re used to?
Would we be able to fit every single person living on Earth today on that planet? Although Mars might be small to the eye when we are on Earth, how big would it be in real life? Research says that only around 22 colonists could live on Mars. And only 2 through 8 people could come and visit the planet. So what about the rest of us?
So, maybe we shouldn’t Terraform Mars for humans. Mars looks more beautiful than ever. We should not be going to turn it into something to replicate Earth. A place we cannot even take care of. How would they expect us to take care of a planet like that? Not everything would be the same. Maybe we should stick to the things we know how to do and spend more time taking care of Earth.