Spring is here and ready to bring back the flowers blooming and the tree’s leaves growing! Spring Break will be coming up for college students and high-school students. That begins the question what will we do for Spring Break?
Spring break is a time to relax and take a good week of the amazing rain, and sunny weather coming our way. You could go on a trip over the weekend or decide to stay with family and watch a movie. Two things that are great to experience over break is to sit and watch the movie Hop. It is a cute little spring movie about bunnies that always gives me a great belly laugh and has given the best reviews in my opinion. Get a blanket, food, a fan if it is hot or a heater if it is cold, and get the family together to watch a movie. Another thing to do is take a trip down to Washington DC They have a cherry blossom festival as well as a kite festival happening around the same time and gets the people to join together as a family.
If you like any options above in the article click here to see if you would like the movie, or click the festivals to see information regarding the cherry blossom festival/kite festival.