Test are not Accurate
Tests are not an accurate measure of student success in school. If a student is not doing well on test does that mean that they are not paying any attention in class? In one of my classes I could answer any question that was asked. When it came for the test I would always get D’s or F’s. There is probably something out there that is better than a test given. Sometimes maybe there needs to be an oral test to see how the students are preforming with the lesson. Even break the test down and make them in to pop quizzes that way you can keep the test relevant to that week’s lesson. Most students feel that there will always be a subject that we will never understand. Some years the tests are easy and other years the tests are like staring at a blank sheet of paper. There are some students that think the teacher is the one to blame for their grade in that class. There needs to be better ways to access what a student knows. If they are a good student in class but do badly on test, should a teacher not try to see what is wrong to help the student get better grades? The more the teacher helps the students the more confidence the student will have when taking test later in the year. Every student would do better if the teacher would ask the student what is the matter and ask them if there is anything that they could do to help them get their test scores up. The students’ need to go to the teacher if they have a problem with what they are going over in class. Both the teachers and the students need to ask if they see or realize they have a problem. These are the reasons that tests are not accurate for the people that are taking them.

Cameron Celaschi is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Cameron does not have any clubs or activates.
Cameron like to hunt, fish, and ride...