PC Talk: Console and PC
Gaming is a big past time in this day’s youth, young adults, and even mid aged adults. The gaming industry when it first started in 1972 with the invention of (Magnavox Odyssey) a in home gaming machine, some thought that was farfetched; now look at the industry, in home gaming, and billion dollar gaming companies. Video games companies are now becoming the billion dollar oil companies of today. Not only is the company producing games creating revenue, but hardware manufacturers that make parts for the video game consoles are the ones getting the real profit.
Video Gaming consoles such as the Microsoft Xbox One, Sony Playstation 4, and Nintendo WiiU have become more than just gaming consoles. The console can be used for a multimedia center for streaming services and internet browsing. Consoles range in a $200-$400 price range, but for the money it will be worth it. Gaming as also saw its roots on the platform that has been around before the first gaming console, the computer (mostly the PC), the PC platform (Microsoft Windows) has been around since 1996 and has welcomes game developers since it’s beginning to create video games for its operating system Rather than that of Apple’s operating system (Mac OS.) Gaming on a Windows computer is a lot more expensive than that of the Xbox or PlayStation gaming systems. Gaming PCs are really expensive, but for some who are like me it’s the enthusiasm of having a powerful system that can smash anything that is thrown at it. A gaming PC that can run games on a high resolution (1080p) at a decent frame rate (50 or 60 FPS) goes for about $500 to $20,000. A 20 grand computer is not necessary at all but for the real enthusiasts it’s a necessity. A computer that is around $1300 will last you around 4 years of perfect gaming with no hardware malfunctions.
Gaming has evolved over the years and gaming PCs have definitely become a hobby and past time of computer enthusiasts. In my opinion you don’t have to like gaming to enjoy have a really cool, aesthetic looking computer. The 6 most important things when buying or building your PC are a motherboard, Processor, Graphics card, RAM, Case Fans, and a hard drive. Over the next couple weeks I will be writing about what to put in your computer for it to be a machine worthy of gaming.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)