Halloween Traditions

Halloween is a time when children are about the streets and collecting their goodies and stacking a huge pile of gobstoppers, and other sweet delicacies. Halloween is also time for some seriously scary traditions that happen during the creepiest of holidays. Here is a list of some of the scariest traditions that happen on Halloween.
The list starts off with one in which we all know, carving Jack-O’-Laterns. Kids love pumpkins, they love to carve their own and eat what’s left. Jack-O”-Laterns are used to scare anyone who thinks their cute. Number 9 is one in which cannot see one in which cannot see very well in, bats. Bats are the creatures that can scare anyone away, especially when they group up in a massive swarm and attack anyone with lightly colored clothing. Afraid of arachnids, well number 8 is no surprise, spiders. People around the world are so scared of these monsters, just saying the name is a bit unflattering. Number 7 is where you’ll find crazy old women flying around on broom sticks stirring their magic through the air. Witches are a common thing during Halloween, heck they were ones who started Halloween. Love dressing up for Halloween, well you’ll love number 6, costumes. Costumes are some of the weirdest things we do just to receive candy on Halloween, little kids love dressing as a super hero or their favorite TV show character, so little kids just keep up the good work. Number 5 are two colors that are expressed with Halloween, orange and black. Pumpkins are orange and the night is black, so that’s where they get these colors from. The black is also a representation of the mysterious things that go on during day in a whole. Number 4 is time when troublesome teens need some relief, pranks. Pranks are a good but foolish thing to do, since the cops can come knocking on the door late into the night. Number 3 are delicacies that are very sweet and sour at the same time, candy apples. Everyone loves candy apples, so why not make another sugary food source to go along with all those high calories in the candy. Number 2 is another favorite of many, candy corns. The sweet yet delectable candy known as candy corn is most requested by kids. And the number 1 Halloween tradition is candy. Candy during Halloween is the number 1 reason why children go out into the night with their friends. They love the candy it’s the reason why they were brought up on high calorie food items in order to get through life.
Overall, Halloween is a big tradition, not only in America but everywhere else in the world. Halloween is a time for kids to start making memories that will last a life time. Every child will most likely remember the days they dressed up into costumes just to get some sweet delectable candy.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
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