Dirtbike Maintenance

(Photo Credit- www.dirtrider.com)
Keeping a dirtbike clean and strong is very important when it comes to enjoying the sport of dirtbiking. Keeping the dirtbike clean can help preserve certain parts that are very important to a dirtbikes performance. Replacing any damaged or broken part is very vital to a dirtbikes performance and ability to run correctly while the dirtbike is in use.
A great place to start is the chain and sprockets. The chain and sprockets help drive the bike meaning that if any of these parts are damaged or left dirty for too long, problems can appear in the bikes performance and abilities. A chain can break if it’s not kept lubricated so it has somewhat of a smooth ride while rotating on the sprockets. Keeping a clean and very protective air filter on the bike at all times can help prevent major damage to the inside of the engine. Have to rebuild an engine is not the greatest thing to do, at all but keeping a clean and protective air filter will protect the bikes engine from any major dirt or other objects that might get into the air box. Keeping a stable and very clean throttle cable on the bike is also very important. Making sure the throttle cable cannot get caught on anything either is also very important. Having the throttle stuck wide open does not feel good after hitting the ground at the bikes top speed. Some riders do change the oil and oil filter after every couple of rides. For the riders that cannot change their oil and oil filter after every couple of rides due to the expense of the oil and oil filters, make sure to use a high brand motor oil like Pennzoil to ensure the safety of the components inside the engine.
Keeping a dirtbike clean and strong is very important when it comes to enjoying the sport of dirtbiking. The small and simple things like the upkeep on chains and sprockets can make a world of a difference when riding a dirtbike. Just keep the bike clean when it’s not in use and make sure any broken part that is important to the bikes performance is replaced and taken care of.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....