Riding Alone
(Photo Credits: www.motosport.com)
Riding with friends is fun and entertaining but sometimes the rider is stuck riding alone. There are some safety hazards that go along with riding alone. If the rider were to ever crash, run out of gas, lose their way, or have a bike malfunction, there will be no one there to help. Keeping a cell phone at all times is the best solution to having quick access to help but there are other ways.
When riding out on the trail, riders often tend to take a “go bag” that carrier’s tools and some other things necessary in case of an emergency. Simple tools like some sockets and a socket wrench, a crescent wrench, and mainly external bike tools will be needed. Also included in the go bag can be some bottles of compressed air and spare tubes in case of a flat tire. The compressed air will be sued to pump up the tires enough to get the bike home safely. Another important tool would be a small fire extinguisher. If there is ever a case of the bike catching on fire, which is very possible, a small fire extinguisher can solve that problem very easily. Some of the small things that are included in a go bag can be a map, a compass, water, and something that’s enjoyable to eat if the rider becomes hungry out on the trail.
The most important item for most riders is the cell phone or any device that can be used to contact someone in case of an emergency. If a rider were to ever break down or run out of gas on the trail, they can call someone to get help and to make it home safely. In the case of a break down or lack of gas, they can call their friends to bring transportation. In case of a crash and major injury, they can call who ever will be able to help. A cell phone is very important when out riding alone. It won’t fix the bike or a broken bone but I can call for help. Always make sure the phone is charged before going out to ride alone.
There are safety hazards while riding alone but using some of these tips can help the rider out very much while out on the trail. Carrying what is necessary in the go bag can save the rider from being stranded with a broken bike but the simple tools that were listed can help the rider if there is ever a malfunction out in the trail.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....