Bridge Break

The sunsets at Pollocks Mill Bridge sitting above Ten Mile Creek in Clarksville. Pollocks Mill Bridge was built in 1878. The bridge is one of the oldest metal truss bridges in Pennsylvania. A little over a year ago on September 28, 2014, a water truck carrying a full tank of water tried to cross the bridge. The bridge had a posted weight limit of 4 tons which was far less then what the truck was carrying. As the truck was half way through the bridge the floor beams collapsed and truss u-bolt hangers may have failed causing the back end of the truck to drop. The truck driver then emptied out the water in his truck to reduce the load and left the vehicle. The bridge will be repaired.

Erin Sullenbarger is a senior and second year Journalism student.
Erin is a part of the Jefferson Morgan basketball team as well as Leo Club and Drama...