Christmas Movies

Brooke Weir

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Beginning of December means getting in the Christmas spirit and watching ABC’s count down to Christmas. There are so many different movies for Christmas and so many different favorites. Personally, my favorite Christmas movies are A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Christmas Carol, and The Polar Express. My all time favorite movie however is Miracle on 34th Street. Miracle on 34th street is about an old man who claims to be Santa Clause to a young girl. but people accuse him of being crazy and have him institutionalized for being insane. Luckily though a young lawyer tries to help him in court claiming that he is the real thing, and that he can prove it. Miracle on 34th Street is my favorite movie because it is a mix of comedy and drama.

Most people like to wait until it is closer to Christmas before they start watching movies, but I start watching them the first day of December. ABC Family shows seasonal films all day, everyday. My favorite classics that are shown on that channel are A Christmas Carol, The Year Without Santa Clause, and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. To me Christmas movies are good when they have a mix of comedy and drama with a little suspense. A Christmas Carol is a ghost story with some social criticism. The story teachers young kids how much good events could occur when they change a bad aspect of themselves. The lesson I got out of A Christmas Carol is to always be kind and considerate, because if not then your past could haunt you.

Friends are great people to celebrate the Christmas spirit with. Some movies to watch with friends are Elf, The Santa Clause, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. All of these movies are comedies and great for a laugh.