Riding With Friends

(Photo Credits-www.pinterest.com)
Riding alone sometimes sucks but luckily, most riders have friends that also ride and they get together on the weekend and go out on the trail and ride. Just like riding alone, there are some safety hazards while riding with friends like running into each other or losing each other. A good way to keep this from happening can be keeping an eye on each other but there are other ways to look out for each other.
Staying alert while riding with friends is the safest thing a rider can do to avoid an accident. While your friends do some hill climbs, wait at the bottom patiently and hit the hill one at a time. Keeping in a certain order out on a trail is the best way to stay safe on a trail, especially if the trail is narrow. If the day brings the riders out on a MX track or some other track, be careful while jumping and make sure no one is in a length to where a mid-air collision is possible. Another great way to avoid danger while riding with friends is being responsible and alert. Riding buddies sometimes get out of control and like to do very challenging obstacles that they are not prepared for but being responsible and trying to keep them from doing dumb stuff is a great way to avoid danger.
Some riders often tend to use their phones to communicate with each other. Riders will wear ear buds with built in micro phones to talk back and forth to one another. This helps with staying in contact with each other but can also be a safety hazard. Being responsible about this way of communication is the best thing to do because sometimes other noises are blocked out due to the other person talking on the phone.
Riding with friends is very fun but can be hazardous just like riding alone. Following those few tips can help riders avoid accidents. Using the phone method works very well but can also be a hazard. Number one thing to remember is to be responsible while riding with friends and watch out for each other.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....