The Future Riders
Riders that are new to the sport sometimes don’t know what to do or how to handle situations while riding the bike. New riders often tend to find themselves being confused on which bike to buy and what to get for it. Making sure the bike is comfortable, not too big or too small, and making sure it’s a quality bike if it’s used is some mistakes a new rider will make. These tips will help new riders understand the bike and be more confident while riding.
If a new rider has trouble finding a bike due to the size and the feel of the bike simply go to a local dealer and test the sizes of different bikes. This can also be used to buy a used bike. Going to a dealer and sitting on different bikes and getting the feel of different bikes can help make a decision on what type of used bike to buy. Some new riders see other riders on powerful bikes and the new rider wants to jump on a powerful bike but that’s not the best thing to do. A new rider will not understand how to handle the power of a bigger bike and can result in a bad accident. Starting out on a smaller bike like a 200cc or a 125cc is the better choice for a new rider, all depending on age and size.
For a new rider, riding the bike is the next step. New riders tend to get discouraged when they see more experienced riders doing impressive things. This should not be the case. The new rider should understand that the more they ride the more experience of different terrain they will gain and sooner or later, they will be doing the same thing as the more experienced rider does. New riders should never get discouraged when watching experienced riders do different things. With enough effort and the willingness to try new things, a new rider might find themselves doing impressive things.
A new rider should take the opportunity to go out and enjoy the sport of dirtbiking. There are endless places to go and endless things to do while on a bike. Whether a new rider wants to hit a track, hit some trails, or even race, they will never be out of things to do and they will never get bored of riding.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....