Tough Obstacles
Whether the rider is experienced or new, there has been or will be an obstacle that the rider has to have skill to overcome. Tough obstacles can be anything like riding on a simple trail or riding on a professionally designed endure course. Doesn’t matter what it is, the rider has to overcome the tough obstacle.
When most riders are faced with a tough obstacle, they tend to try and overcome the obstacle but sometimes do not succeed at doing so. Having trouble with an obstacle should never discourage a rider, even if the rider is new. Over time, the tougher obstacles will become a skill. A smart rider will look at a tough obstacle as a chance to learn something new. Crossing a log, jumping a rock, or hitting steep hill climbs are considered tough obstacles but after a few times of trying them, those obstacles eventually become a new skill and the rider is confident when trying them in different circumstances.
Conquering the fear of obstacles is the biggest thing a rider can do. Having fear of a tough obstacle is something every rider has had once in their time of riding but fear of a tough obstacle is something that the rider shouldn’t be embarrassed about. Fear is only conquered when attempting to overcome fear. An obstacle that intimidates and makes the rider feel fear is the best type of obstacle there is. With the right practice and determination, the obstacle that was once feared has become an easy thing to do. Making mistakes is what builds a rider but fixing the mistakes gives the rider skills and experience they need.
Tough obstacles can be tough for new or experienced riders. Every rider will have an obstacle that will challenge them and make them learn a new skill. Learning new things and getting over obstacles is all a part of riding. It will never matter how long it would take to overcome a tough obstacle, all that matters is that the rider learns the skill it takes to get over the tough obstacle.

Tristian Wright is a senior and this is his second year in journalism as a student.
Tristian Wright and does not participate in anything inside of school....