Hopes For the New Year

Caroline DePhillips

More stories from Caroline DePhillips

My Time at J-M
May 26, 2017

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(Photo Credit via blog.movingworld.org)

Pretty much everyone has some hopes for the new year when it comes around. A lot of people have New Year’s resolutions too. I didn’t really have a New Year’s resolution for 2016. I thought and thought about what I could make mine to be, but I couldn’t think of anything. But I do have some hopes for 2016. There are a few things that I will be hoping for in this new year.

One of my hopes for 2016 is that I will get out of the house more and go do things. I am always stuck inside of my houses. I want to get out more so that I am not cooped up inside of my houses my entire teenage years. I probably wouldn’t even care what I did, just as long as it got me out of the house. I would like to spend more time with my friends though. Spending time with my friends is something that I enjoy very much. My friends are like my family. Spending time, hanging out with, and doing stuff with them always puts me in a better mood. There are also very good friends I have that I don’t hang out with outside of school. I am hoping that this year I will get to spend time with my friends outside of school.

With the same topic of wanting to get out of my house more, I also would like to go to more things that I like. Some examples would be going to more concerts, going to my church’s youth group more often, and walking through the woods. Concerts are a great experience and are very fun to go to. I love seeing all the different types of people at concerts. I find diversity a beautiful thing. But then there are also so many people at concerts you can meet that are just like yourself. Both of those things (to me) make concerts amazing experiences. Then of course there is the main source of greatness at concerts: the performances by the band(s)/artist(s). I hope to go to my church’s youth group more often. Youth group is another great way of meeting new people. I have met some of my best friends through youth group and my church. Youth group also helps me with my faith. There is always such a warm and welcoming environment and atmosphere at my church. I also hope that during 2016 I will get more chances to go walking through the woods. I live on top of a hill that is surrounded by woods. I love walking through the woods at my house. I will find a place to sit (usually I sit in a certain spot by a creek that runs behind my house) and take in everything around me: sights, sounds, smells, everything. It is a rather calming thing.

Something else that I hope will happen in 2016 is improvement in certain areas. I am hoping my piano playing will improve in the areas that need improvement. I am also hoping that my social skills will improve. Outside of school I am an extremely shy and antisocial teenage girl. I am not much of a talker outside of school. When my family and I go somewhere and I have to talk I get too scared and nothing will come out. Hopefully this will be the year to change that.

Because I could not come up with a New Year’s resolution, I didn’t force myself into making one. So for this year I just have things I am hoping for that I need to work with to try to make happen.