Importance of Best Friends

Brooke Weir

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Having friends seem essential to me for high school. Best friends are people you can tell anything to, trust your life with, make up inside jokes, and just be yourself around. A lot of drama goes on in high school and having my friends around really helped. Whether it was talking about what was going on or just having them get my mind off the subject, it has always been great. Caroline DePhillips and I have been friends since the sixth grade, but we really became best friends in seventh grade when we played volleyball together. Over the past few years, we have become so close, like sisters, that I can tell her anything and trust her with anything. School and outside life can be very stressful, and having a friend there with you can help make everything better.

Friendship is so important in our lives, no matter how old or young. Personally, I know that my life would be meaningless without my friends. During school, they all give me someone to talk to and have a laugh with, even when I am in the worst of moods. I also know that they are always there wanting to hang out outside of school. Just about every weekend Caroline and I make plans to either go somewhere or just hang out at each other’s houses. If I did not have a friend like her to hang out with, I know for sure that my weekends would be spent laying at home, wondering what it is really like having a friend.

Having friends really is a great privilege. These are the people that know you inside and out. They know when something is not right; know all of our flaws, dark pasts, and weaknesses. Our friends know all of this about us, but they accept it. That is the most special thing to me about having friends. They accept you for who you truly are, and instead of judging you, they become just as weird and crazy.