PC Talk: Technology Evolution
Computers over the years, especially over this decade have evolved a lot. Technology has gotten so much bigger than it was about 10 years, 15, or 20 years ago. Technology now is always getting better and is never seeing a end.
Since the technology is always evolving and never slowing down in these times it makes you wonder what is the point of buying some of these new products, such as new smartphones or computer components. For example if the average consumer who goes out and buys the newest iPhone, in a about a month a newer phone will come out that will make you want to switch phones entirely because of maybe a new feature. So the question is will we really see the end to this in our time? Will we ever see the end of technological evolution, to a point where nothing more powerful can be made? This type of thing has generated a big stir in the pc gaming industry, pc building, and just gaming as a whole. The computers that are being built nowadays are usually good computers that run good for their lifetime, which is about 2 years. In those 2 years the computer operating system has undergone plenty of updates, and update after update the requirements for the computer have increased. That’s why investing money into something as a computer or phone in today’s time basically a waste of money. Buying a new graphics card from NVIDIA or AMD is now not as a good investment as it was back in early 2000, where there was a peak of power that early computer components could not surpass. Now there literally is no limit, the only limit is how much money you can spend on it. Someone like me who likes to dabble in pc building is really perplexed about the current state of the technological evolutionary chain. Buying the newest pc components will involve paying $500-$1500 per part. Since the price is high most would wait for the newest part to drop in price. By doing this strategy would definitely save you some money, but might risk you being out of the loop. For example, you have processor X and the new processor Y just came out you wait and save up money for it. A month after your purchase the Y processor, the new Z processor comes out. Graphics card from 2001 can’t even put out picture in HD or 480p which just comes to show the gap of power.
The new world of technology is all about dropping money on technology that really is only being slightly improved. “Smart Phone” is really not anything special, all it is a cellular phone that has a microprocessor. Basically same thing as a flip phone but, the difference is the smart phone can answer yes or no questions (Binary) at fast speeds (CPU speed.) The power of technology to lo see the people is what is on the surface but it’s actually all dependent on the parts.

Noah Barno is a junior and a second year Journalism student.
Noah Barno helps at churches and other organizations (such as food drives and festivals.)