School Uniforms

Brooke Weir

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Everyone has their own different and mixed feeling about school uniforms. School uniforms have their good and bad qualities. I am not a big fan of them, but they also do not seem that bad. That down side to uniforms is that switching now would not make any sense. Students already have tons of clothes that they spent lots of money on. If the school were switch to uniforms this up coming year, there would be a lot of money that was well spent on clothes, going to waste. I also feel that school uniforms would be bad because they do not allow students to show their own style and personality. Uniforms would all look the same, taking away ones sense of style. Being able to dress the way we do now, allows others to see what we like and see just how unique one really is. Getting uniforms would take that all away, and leave everyone looking a like.

With many negative sides, come many more positive sides to school uniforms. Although the uniforms would have everyone dress the same, there is a positive to that. Bullying happens because someone does not like how another person looks of dresses, but with uniforms that would not happen. I believe that having uniforms would lower the number of people being bullied. No one would get made fun of for not being able to own the name brand clothes or dressing ‘different’. School uniforms can also help save parents money. Every summer I go back to school shopping spending at least $150 on clothes, and a few times in between there spending at least another $100. Uniforms would help parents save money because they would only have to pay for about three of them. If one uniform only cost around $40, parents would only have to pay $120 rather than over $250 for clothes that most kids only wear a few times.
School uniforms have so many positives and negatives that the topic is difficult to choose a side and stick to it. I personally am not a fan of them, but I do see some benefits.